Ride: 25 - 50 Moderate / Hilly Flexible
Leader: Steve Forsberg, rosevillesteve@gmail.com, 916-801-8295
Good morning Wheelies: This Saturday's Granite Bay ride includes two different routes to Newcastle. The long rout is 44 miles, 2300' of climbing, including climbing Ridge Rd. Coffee at Newcastle Produce, 9230 Cypress St, Newcastle, CA (mile 28,8 on route). The short route is 31 miles with 1700' of elevation gain. Climbs Rippey Rd, Callison and Powerhouse. Coffee also at Newcastle Produce. Both routes begin and end in front of the bathrooms at Granite Bay Community Park, located on the corner of Douglas Blvd and Barton Rd. 8:30 socialization, 8:45 sign in, 9:00 pedals down. Please use caution and ride single file when starting out on Barton Rd as there is no shoulder and Barton can have traffic. Thank you.
Long: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47129674
Short: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47364582
Please note that these routes are included in SWBC navigation club RwGPS account which provides several premium features, normally requiring you to purchase a paid membership, but available free to Wheelmen who join SWBC navigation. Download a free APP to access the route map with audio and visual turn-by-turn directions on both Apple and Android smartphones. Join this club account via the following link: https://ridewithgps.com/clubs/13208-swbc-navigation/home