Wheelmen Rides

The Ride Calendar helps members and guests alike. Check out the weekday rides as well as the rides on weekends. Some rides start from the same location every week. The club calls these Series rides. For Series rides, the club calendar provides start locations and start times if not more detailed information. On weekends, the club provides one or more non-Series rides. These calendar entries typically include a route description and GPS files.

Zodiacs are multi-day, out-of-town club recreational cycling activities involving camping, staying in hotels, or both. Zodiacs are typically from a single location in California with different routes out of that location for several days. A ride leader provides GPS files for the daily routes and determines start times and start locations. Typically, participants are invited to a social time at the end of the ride each day.

Traditionally the club has offered an Oregon Tour and a European Tour each year. The Oregon Tour often involves camping; the European Tour does not. The Oregon Tour typically is a long loop route with participants staying at a different location each night until they return to the start at the end of the Tour. When camping, participants share the cooking and cleaning work load. SAG drivers provide fuel and water on the road during the Oregon Tour. Zodiacs and Tours are typically available to members only.

The club survives thanks to the effort of Ride Leaders. Without them, there would be no club. All the resources you need to become a club ride leader are available using the link below.

Club members submit mileage and get an end of the year t-shirt, with or without mileage, for the miles they have ridden that year. Updates are provided every month.

The Ride Library provides links to club GPS routes listed by start location. These files are used by ride leaders and are also available to all members and the general public.

Club Mileage -

Moved to Members Only Section.

Must Log in to access.  

Copyright © Sacramento Wheelmen              Club Mailing Address: Sacramento Wheelmen, P.O. Box 3083Carmichael, C95609-3083
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software