Ride: 25 - 50 Moderate / Hilly Flexible
Leader: Steve Forsberg, 916-801-8295, rosevillesteve@gmail.com
Description: Weekly 25 - 50 mile rides in the foothills of Placer and El Dorado counties. Moderate pace (14 - 15 mph average). Generally 1,000 -- 3,000' of elevation gain. Ride at your own pace. Each ride will have at least one regroup or rest stop along the way.
Route Information will be emailed to members via club's group.io 3-5 days before the ride. To subscribe members should log onto the club website and follow the “Join Email Group via group.io" link in the members section. Subscription is for members only and verified via group.io administrator.
Cue sheets can be copied/pasted from the RideWithGPS link. Printed cue sheets will NOT be provided.
Meet up in front of the bathrooms. 8:30 socialization, 9:00 pedals down.
Rain cancels! A notification will be sent out by 8 am on the morning of the ride in the event of a cancellation.