Ride: 36.1 Moderate / Hilly Flexible
Leader: Sue Johnston, sljohnston.lola@gmail.com
RWGPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41452267
Description: The route includes Butler Road with our usual stop at Newcastle Produce.
36 miles, 2047 feet of climbing.
One note on the route - It is a left-hand turn onto Butler at mile 13, so please be mindful of oncoming traffic.
Looks like we will have a nice fall day for riding.
Cue sheets can be copied/pasted from the Ride with GPS link. Printed cue sheets will NOT be provided.
Meet up in front of the bathrooms. 8:30 socialization, 9:00 pedals down.
Note: If you are not currently signed up to utilize the club’s group email list, go to the club’s website, https://sacwheelmen.wildapricot.org/, click on the tab titled "Members", scroll down the page to the link “Join Email Group via group.io" to get started now.