Ride: 45 Moderate / Hilly Flexible
Leader: Linda Lasswell, 916-204-8739, lindalasswell@comcast.net
RWGPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38087295
Description: We like Baked and Brewed! Well that’s the regroup and refresh stop again this Saturday! We will get in some of the familiar roads and a few climbs in Placer County and beat the heat.
Meet up in front of the bathrooms. 8:00 socialization, 8:30 pedals down.
Note: If you are not currently signed up to utilize the club’s group email list, go to the club’s website, https://sacwheelmen.wildapricot.org/, click on the tab titled "Members", scroll down the page to the link “Join Email Group via group.io" to get started now.
Elevation: 2,878 feet