Ride: 34.5 Flat Flexible Leader: Tom Adams, 916-764-7019, tcadams54@yahoo.com Description: This route to Davis takes advantage of refreshed roads and Davis bike trails. From the park, we move through Old Sacramento and over the Tower Bridge. Turning on 3rd St, we make our way to Harbor Blvd on Sacramento Ave. Once over the causeway, we reach Davis by taking the frontage road which becomes 2nd St. Our official regroup/refuel stop is at the Davis Foods Co-Op on G St. (mile 17.5). Heading back, we take advantage of the bike trail system on the south side of 80. Once we reach Mace Blvd, we head west on the frontage road on the south side of 80. Back in West Sacramento, we stay on West Capitol Ave. and cross the Tower Bridge. Pace: 14-18 mph. Regrouping along the way. No one gets lost or dropped.
Elevation: 258 feet