Ride: 44 / 64 Hilly Flexible
Leader: Tom Adams, tcadams54@yahoo.com, 916-764-7019
Description: Two routes to choose from. There are few refuel and regroup options on this route. On the long route, you can do so at mile 28 and again at mile 48. On the short route, you can also refuel at mile 28 but at a different location. The two routes coincide for the first 23 miles and then come together again at Valley Springs, which is a good place to get something to eat. There is also a good deli at the start/finish location.
Elevation: Short: 2,524 feet
Long: 3,779 feet
Ride With GPS: Short: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42010802
Long: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27578294