Ride: 417 Hilly Flexible
Leader: Tim Koch, 916-952-9026, mtkoch44@aol.com
Description: All Hotel Tour
Date: August 7-13, 2022
Cost: To be determined later
Riders will be responsible for their hotel and daily meal costs. A list of hotels where a block of rooms have been reserved and below price negotiated, will be coming out soon. We shoot for hotels around the mid-range in cost, around $125. A luggage truck will transport luggage from the hotels and there will be 1 and maybe 2 SAGs vehicles. The club will furnish snacks, beer, sodas and some wines for a social meeting at the end of the day around the luggage truck. Bring you camping chairs for the social hour.
Daily Routes:
Day 1 - Cottage Grove - Corvallis - 67.8 miles & 1286 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37880543
Day 2 - Corvallis - Newport - 61.0 miles & 3101 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37880605
Day 3 - Newport - Florence - 50.7 miles & 3051 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37880675 -
Day 4 - Florence - Coos Bay - 53.2 miles & 3629 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37920272 -
Day 5 - Coos Bay - Myrtle Point - 57.1 miles & 3274 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37927538 -
Day 6 - Myrtle Point - Roseburg - 62.0 miles & 3034 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37927783 -
Day 7 - Roseburg to Cottage Grove - 64.9 miles & 3141 feet of climbing
RWGPS Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37927679 -
Must be a Sacramento Wheelmen member to attend.
Tour Leader: Tim Koch mtkoch44@aol.com Cell: 916-952-9026 (leave a text or message)